Company credited for technology, KyungDong Pharm
Company Ideology
Leadership of Belief
As KyungDong Pharm is growing as a pharmaceutical company that contributed to the national economy and a company that bears its social responsibilities, there was a leadership from belief of Chairman Ryu Deok-Hee at the core of good management.
Ryu emphasizes that the leadership, an important part of the pharmaceutical industry, should focus on developing new medicines and producing distinguished products. It implies that an appropriate leadership is required since the core of competitiveness for a pharmaceutical company comes from manufacturing new medicines of fine quality.
Therefore, KyungDong considers it is important not only how to manage a company, but also to analyze proper products for the time and find out how to inform the market of them.
Also KyungDong firmly believes it needs a special kind of leadership for a special industry of pharmaceuticals as well as the components of leadership commonly required in the overall industry.
21st century paradigm
Respect for Lives
and Improvement of
Life Value -
Management of Sharing
that aims for a Guide
to Health and Love -
Core value
Sincere and
Diligent, Creation and
Development, Serving with
All of Our Heart
Mission Respect for Lives and Improvement of Life Value
Chairman Ryu Deok-Hee clarified the purpose of business and future goal for KyungDong to exist and stay in operation. Ryu suggested < Respect for Lives and Improvement of Life Value>, a motto explaining the causes of operation and ultimate goal of KyungDong, and considered it a compass for the sustainable business.
Vision Management of Sharing that aims for a Guide to Health and Love
Chairman Ryu Deok-Hee urged the company to realize the future dreamt by KyungDong by following < Management of Sharing that aims for a Guide to Health and Love>, the company vision based on company missions. Accordingly, KyungDong puts emphasis on the benefits’ fair division and return to society, and pursues the management that shares with the external neighborhood through the innovative management from the inside of the company.
Core value Sincere and Diligent, Creation and Development, Serving with All of Our Heart
Chairman Ryu expressed the core value of KyungDong Pharm ‘sincere and diligent, creation and development, serving with all of our heart’, on the company song written to commemorate the 10th anniversary of company foundation in 1985. This is an institutional rules for behavior to realize the missions and vision of KyungDong. Such core value is taking root as a unique company culture of KyungDong.